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I am considering PP Pro to replace my current merchant account. I've noticed some general support and installation questions about it on the CCP forums, but haven't seen any opinions on the service.
I would greatly appreciate feedback (positive or negative) from anyone using the Pro method.
I'm not using it currently, but I have in the past. The rates were quite reasonable compared to other merchant account solutions. And if I recall correctly, they refund your fee when you refund an order, as opposed to regular merchant accounts that actually charge you a 2nd fee for the refund transaction. The only major issue I had was that the service wouldn't work for payments from certain countries - Russia, UAE... I don't remember all of them, but they were countries that few people usually do business with. I think they've also expanded their service since I stopped using them, so that may not even be an issue any longer. The other issue is the horror stories you sometimes hear about PayPal where they froze someone's account for no apparent reason. I've never actual had an issue like that at all, but I don't keep much money in my PayPal account, just in case. I also never dealt with a chargeback (we don't have many), so I cannot say how well they might deal with that. Good luck!
Thanks Rachael,
I'm also looking at CardService International but PayPal Pro is still looking less expensive. My current merchant account provider is becoming too restrictive, which will interfere with the growth of my company. Decisions - decisions...........
You're welcome. CardService International (my current merchant account provider) gets the job done. But they are prone to upping their rates and other typical CC company tactics. Also, be prepared to negotiate... they can do a lot better than their opening offer in most cases.
We've been using Payments Pro for sometime now and are satisfied with Paypal's service. The rates are really good especially if your monthly sales are high and fall into their lower rate bracket; but make sure you request it, they wont automatically give it to you. The customer representatives are knowledgeable and prompt. As Rachel said, refunds are a plus since your fee is refunded as well. We've had payments from a lot of European and Asian countries with no problem. We've only had one chargeback, we did the leg work and got PayPal the paper work, they did the barking and won the chargeback for us; they do charge a $10 fee even if they win the case. Finally, a major plus for PayPal in my opinion is their Money Market option. While your balance is sitting in their hands you can have it deposited into their money market until you transfer it to your bank. Last year when things weren't as bad, the interest would pay for half the fees they charged.... right now, not so much.
Good info!
I think you and Rachael have convinced me.
I've offered PayPal Standard as a payment option on my website for a long time with no problem, so I may as well go to "Pro". I'm on my second merchant account provider and getting tired of the hassle and continuing fee increases.
I've been using PP since 2002. Using PPWPP with the Virtual Terminal too for some time now. Flawless, reasonable rates. Haven't found anything as cheap and as well recognized. I've sold to every country in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel, UAE, India, Phillipines. No troubles at all (knock on wood) We've dealt with a few charge backs and for those cases that we lost, it was due to us not providing the online delivery tracking method "that is required" is you want to be secure with being able to keep your sale. So our fault. Another case where the customer didn't review his credit card for 4 months, seen our charge, didn't recognize it, called his cc company and cancelled the card. Citing cc charges he didn't recognize. The cc company made PP pay them the money, so PP held our funds until the investigation completed. I called the customer, which made him realize his error. Even though he called his cc company, they still filed the chargeback. Too late, card cancelled. PayPal took my funds and still charged me the $10 fee. Luckily the customer was good enough to mail me a check for my troubles.
I bit the bullet and went with PP Pro. After a couple of bumps in the road (Dave Martin guided me through), I am up and running and so far everything is smooth and as advertised. Thanks for everyone's great input!
Can someone that is familiar with Barclaycard epdq merchant account please put me through on how to integrate my Barclaycard epdq merchant account with the clicartpro 6.0
Thank you.
For CCP6-UK:
Paypal Payments Pro is extremely poor on the security side.
We currently have 5 cases being investigated by the police for fraudulant card use where PPPP failed to compare the card details with those entered into the gateway. PPPP let the transactions continue even though there was no match.
We gave evidence that fraud had taken place. I visited 3 houses myself and taped 2 conversions, one of which the woman admitted she had received the goods. We even proved to PP that in one of the cases the house where the goods were being sent to was just a collection point and we gave them names and address's of where the goods were ending up. PayPal gave refunds in all cases and ignored our evidence. They said they could not report the cases to the police as they were not the owners of the cards or had any dealing with the cards as the were just the payment processors. They refused to let us know what cards had been used so we could not go to the relevant banks with our information.
At no point were we allowed to speak to anyone who could investigate the cases, we could only speak to the idiots who answered then phone (who knew nothing) or send in emails. Speaking to PP staff on the phone was useless.
We went to the police and gave them all the details. So far 3 arrests have been made and the cases are going to court. We have lost approx £1500 due to Paypal not having a secure gateway.
The police have said they get more cases about fraud on PPPP than all the other processors put together.
We have now switched to Worldpay. Much more secure. More expensive, but at least when we call them they are helpful and know what they are talking about.
Last edited by steve_c (11-09-2009 16:53:40)