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I activated UPS Online Tools, but I can't see how to set tracking to use that instead of WEBAPI. The link "Click here for realtime tracking information on this item" still contains the string &trackmeth=UPSWEBAPI.
Can't find the place to set the default track method in admin.
BTW, I am using a custom shipping script that calculates a value-based shipping price, in case that matters.
It's going to use whichever is stored in the existing order. To change the one it uses, you'll need to go into the order and update the product to use Online Tools instead of WEBAPI. In the future, when you add tracking numbers to completed orders, just select the Online Tools option for each new order. How it gets the rates doesn't matter (custom script, realtime, etc)... it only matters which method you select when you mark the order shipped and add the tracking number.
Oh that explains why I couldn't figure it out. I'm using ATS Batch Process Orders.
So I look in and see the line
$shiptrackmeths{'ups'} = 'UPSWEBAPI';
What do I replace the string UPSWEBAPI with, to change it to UPS Online Tools?
Hi Nathan,
You'd want to change that line to:
$shiptrackmeths{'ups'} = 'UPSTOOLS';
That will make the change going forward. Unfortunately, you'll still need to manually update each existing order that already has UPSWEBAPI set or else use phpMyAdmin (if you're in MySQL mode) to execute a SQL statement that will update existing ones all at the same time. Such a SQL statement would look like:
UPDATE trackitem SET trackitem_shiptrackmeth = 'UPSTOOLS' WHERE trackitem_shiptrackmeth LIKE 'UPSWEBAPI'
That would change all the existing orders in the database in one fell swoop. Good luck!
Okay, thanks for your help.
I have selected ups api and it seems to be calculating old rates. Is this something that has to be updated? I can;'t seem to get ups online tools..seems it needs some special installation beyond my capabilities.
UPS Web API is deprecated. UPS Online Tools is now the preferred connection. It is possible that the older API is not updated by UPS, since they are moving everyone over to Online Tools, but I don't know for sure. How do you know the rates are 'old'?
And also, joempdx1, where did you get stuck with UPS Online Tools? The first step is Shipping Settings >> UPS Online Tools Connection. Have you done that?
well when I go to the ups online tools connection it asks to select a country..which I do..united states..then I get an error message:
ERROR: Either you did not complete all the necessary fields required to configure your connection, or the information submitted was invalid. Please try again.
So, it sticks me there...
In the past, users have reported that this was something to do with the formatting of the serial number on CCP's servers (UPS checks there for vendor information during the setup). I would suggest email They are not officially supporting 5.1 any longer, but hopefully they will at least check to see if it is something on their server stopping the setup process.
5.1 doesn't communicate with Kryptronic servers Rachael.
Does that mean I am stuck....I didn't want to upgrade because this works great for me and I had enough of a hard time figuring it out, that I didn't want to put a time sink into the new version.
Actually, there is a communication with the Kryptronic servers during the UPS setup... something about retrieving a key so UPS can establish that cart comes from a vendor approved to use the UPS rating system. At least that's how it was explained during old posts on the subject... never seen it for myself, of course.
Oh, shows you what I (don't) know about 5.1