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Why is there no wiki guide or anything on how to process orders once they're placed? This is the whole point of the shopping cart and yet there seems little information on processing orders.
Or am I missing some guide somewhere?
New users manual is and Wiki is .
Depending what type of payments you accept and how you process credit cards will change the way you process orders. One way to process credit cards offline is shown below.
MenFly2 wrote:
A. There will be two emails for each order received in ClickCart.
1. Print order from email.
2. Print credit card info from email. While there, highlight encrypted credit card number and copy it.
B. Open ClickCart Admin and log in.
1. Go to <ClickCartPro>
2. Go to <Commerce: Orders and Checkout>
3. Go to <Decrypt Offline Order Data>
4. Paste copied encrypted credit card number in the decrypt box and submit.
5. Print resulting page with decrypted number. (Repeat copy and paste for CCV number if required).
C. Fill order from warehouse.
D. Create invoice with your own accounting program.
E. Run credit card charge on your credit card terminal.
1. Attach copies of charge to customer and file copies of order.
2. Attach ClickCart order info to file copy of invoice.
F. In your accounting program, Receive Payments and Deposit funds into the appropriate account.
G. Print UPS label
1. After shipping info is entered, highlight and copy the tracking number and print the shipping label.
H. Return to ClickCart Admin <ClickCart Pro>
1. Go to <Commerce: Orders and Checkout>
2. Go to <Manage Online Orders/Completed and Processing>
3. Go to the customer's order and select <Update>
4. Change the Order Status to Completed
5. Scroll down and paste the tracking number in the UPS Tracking Info box.
6. Click <Submit>
I. Place customer copy of invoice and credit card receipt with order, attach UPS label and ship.
This is how we did it when we first started with CCP. We have streamlined it a little and print fewer pieces of paper with each order than described above.
Is there a place I send the customer an email notifying them that their order shipped (Not order confirmation)?
hmm...there's a mod in CCP6 Support that ADDS a new post order updated called Order Confirmation (SHIPPED) - or whatever you want to call it. After you change the order to 'completed' and enter the fedex tracking number (or whatever shipper you use), you go to post order updates and check off the SHIPPED Order Confirmation. It will email the customer. Here's the mod, don't ask me about it here because everything is in the forum thread (and I did it a while ago so I don't really remember much about it):
Thank you Wyattea. I'll have a look at that link.
Is there any way to get the encrypted data when it doesn't come through in an email? Is it stored in the admin system somewhere? We are having issues with emails coming through with credit card data - they don't.
Negative. No credit card information, encrypted or otherwise, is ever stored in CCP.