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It looks like the new forum has changed some of the old posts. Inside code blocks, I've seen spaces changed to their HTML equivalent ( ) and I've seen some lists that don't seem to be supported. Won't be a big deal in the long run, but there may be some mods that won't work correctly until they've been fixed by their author. I've already fixed a couple of mine, but if anyone encounters any of mine that have problems, please let me know and I'll try to get them editted as soon as possible.
ut oh. I see a LOT of angry new customer newbies (and oldies) who don't know this and use code posted that others have praised as working great. This is not good.
Not good indeed. Code inside a code block is supposed to be directly cut&pasteable. With the corruptions that have occurred, this could lead to a lot of problems with applying various mods and patches through all parts of the forum.
I have looked at a few of the mods posted and I can't find anywhere that something was actually changed.
What I mean by that is that Pun does a straight across conversion of posts.
So is there was a space in a post in Invision... Pun will show a space. However if there was a non-breaking space, such as within a comment, the system will show the actual html code for a non-breaking space ( ). However, nothing is actually being changed within the code. Invision just chose to not show whereas pun shows them in quotes... which in my opinion is a good thing because we getter a purer view of the code.
I have yet to find where pun converted a space into a non-breaking space. I might be missing something though... do you have an example you could link to?
On a separate note: Rachael, you should see if Nick needs anymore beta-testers. I think you would be a great addition to the team because you have a very indepth knowledge which has become evident in your posts.
Last edited by Todd (09-16-2006 14:08:44)
Hi Todd,
Thank you very much for the compliment. I'll check with Nick about beta testing... but I think I'll give him a little time to catch up first.
As far as changed posts, I had to fix several of mine already. But since I've fixed them, I don't have an example to show you. What happened was that inside code blocks, if there was more than one space at the beginning of a line, such as an indent for the contents of an if statement, the conversion left the first space, but converted the second one to Allow me to demonstrate:
Code which on the old board looked like this:
if ($variable eq "something") { print "Did something"; } ## endif
Got converted like this:
if ($variable = "something") { print "Did something"; } ## endif
Obviously, if someone copied/pasted the incorrectly converted version into a PERL script, it wouldn't work. I haven't cruised all the posts to see if it happened anywhere else - I was just checking a few of mine in the Mods & Hacks section and I noticed it had occurred in several places.
Last edited by rachaelseven (09-19-2006 12:07:58)
talk about frustrating. now i get to figure out why the hell my ats batch order screen can't seem to locate "pending shipment" orders.
Last edited by (09-22-2006 14:25:47)
Todd wrote:
I have yet to find where pun converted a space into a non-breaking space. I might be missing something though... do you have an example you could link to?
Yes, I've found several examples. I've corrected most of mine, but here is a good example: … 194#p63194
That post is not one of mine, so I couldn't correct it. But a little further down, you'll see my reply, which has almost the same code the way it should appear. Would make a real mess for copy/paste, that's for sure.