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Are you superstitious?
Why in the world would I ask that in an e-commerce forum?
Well, It recently crossed my mind that some people may avoid my store for the reason that an illustrated black cat is in the logo.
I'm not a superstitious person whatsoever. However, I was recently reminded that many people are superstitious. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I hate to drive away traffic from my website because people are scared of my logo!
The logo can be found .
Personally, I don't put much stock in that sort of thing, so it wouldn't matter to me - assuming you had the product, service, price, etc, that I was looking for. But I can see how some people might care... no one I know, but it's possible I suppose. I can also see how the veiled reference to "Skin a Cat" might bother some animal lovers. I'm a major animal lover, but I can take a joke too, so it's not a problem for me personally. Just one opinion...
I love animals too and would never encourage anyone to harm an animal. However, that is a point that I should give some consideration to. Thanks for your input!
To be honest Todd, the layout and style of your website is very good, and the play on words for your site name, has in the past made me chuckle to myself [has got some weird stares from my work], but back to the point, the point that Rachael made about "assuming you had the product, service, price, etc, that I was looking for.", is what i have to agree on.
I agree with the above posts... As an animal lover, I am not offended and actually like the creative play on words in your title. As for superstition, the people buying from you should have a certain level of common sense and computer knowledge. IMO I just don't see the overly superstitious population as the people who are building ecommerace sites and buying skins. So I really can't imagine it is hurting business to any worthwile amount.
I have a similar line of thought as Brian. It seems technical people would be less likely to have superstitions. However, I still wanted to get some other viewpoints regarding this. Thank you for all your input. I think for now I will keep the logo and verbage.
dstrand,08/17/2006 03:08:39 PM wrote:
Well, I'm a Gemini, and Geminis are known for not putting too much stock in superstitious mumbo jumbo!
LOL. That was great!
If the Net doesn't answer your questions, a University library (especially a business univsersity) usually has pretty good business books on consumer demographics.
Hi Todd... I agree with you, it may seem stupid...but doesn't it make sense to make people feel confortable on your site?
At the end of the day, I don't think you want to to turn people off and lose a sale. I love the black cat however it does contain a negative connotation. I'm bit supersticious but I'd still buy from your site.
They're only good luck as long as you don't skin them
how about making the cat a grey with some shading...? at least then its the same logo but minus the 'black' cat...?
My two cents...
Well, I'm not superstitious, not even one bit. And I love your black cat. It's got a great expression on it's face. Like it's saying, "I'm not afraid to be different."
It makes me think that the site owners aren't afraid to be different either, leading me to conclude that your skins are probably unique, as well. I'm sold.